
What are YOU going to be for Halloween?

Halloween.....what a strange holiday. As a kid, heaven. A chance to show off your creativity and eat endless amounts of candy. As an adult, just an excxuse to be someone other than yourself for a night, and have some fun doing it. But Halloween has created some funny memories for me. Some highlights of my Halloween career:

- My first few years in costumes I believe were as either a clown or possibly a sheep. Maybe a tiger. I could be way off base here - I don't really recall most of my childhood - but I remember being a clown. And a tiger. And a ghost. Or something.

- One year, my mom dressed my brother and I up as girls. Sisters. Ha. Ha. Very funny. We were convincing though - fooled my Uncle Chris, he had no idea who or what we were. Mom putt makeup on us, ear rings, leggings, the whole deal. It was humiliating, as I look back on it...but I'm sure created some laughs around the neighborhood!

- One year I was a witch's hat..............yes, just the hat. I'm pretty sure it didn't have arms, which made trick-or-treating confusing and difficult. Props to Mema for creating that outfit, though!

- Another year my friend Em was Garth from Wayne's World...we still laugh about that one. I think his sister was a black Jamaican hippie that year....

- A classic outfit one year, as my mom just reminded me via Gchat this morning....we were CALIFORNIA RAISINS. You remember..."I heard it thru the grapevine..." I bet you've never been one of those!! Mema, again, on the outfit creation. She was brilliant.

- In college, I was slightly more sophisticated....I was Steve Irwin, aka The Croc Hunter. It actually was a pretty dang good outfit, if you ask me. It was replete with a puppet crocodile and a rubber snake around my neck. And reeeeallly short shorts.

- Our neighborhood was pretty sweet for trick-or-treating.....a few houses went all out. My neighbor - Jim Litchfield - grew these pumpkins that were big enough for me to fit IN TO until I was about 7. They were HUGE. And he carved them with these elaborate patterns, it was amazing.

- Then there was the guy who never gave treats...............only tricks.

- Andrew Elliot's parents always did this haunted house thing on their front porch, and it legitimately scared me until I was like 16.

- Dentist's never give good candy.......Litch, are you listening??? NO MORE TOOTHBRUSHES PLEASE. VERY FUNNY.

- Then of course, anyone who has lived in Salem has been to the infamous, world famous, Deaf School Haunted House. You talk about being scared......I am still scared when I take my cousins there. It is like 20 minutes long, winding all the way thru the basement of the cold, deaf school on Cherry Ave. People are popping out of no where all the time, and this creepy vampire guy follows you thru the whole thing...sometimes he is silent, sometimes he runs thru your group and pulls people and screams and yells.....freaky. At the end this deaf guy chased you with a fully functional and working chain saw until you couldn't stand it any longer. He chased us all the way to our car one time.

That about sums up my Halloween memories....anybody have any funny ones?? Feel free to post them! I'd love to hear some great outfits or stories....enjoy the weekend. I'll be going to my very first Appalachian State football game!! KICK APP, as they say around here.


  1. You left out the Candalaria Pumpkin Walk. However thinking back you McKinley guys may have never enjoyed the event that featured more Roth's cakes that I have ever seen in one place at a time.

    And what about Roth's orange and brown spiral bread?

  2. Good call Leeper...and you are right, we Mountain Lions never made it to the Pumpkin Walk...however I cringe at the thought of that many cakes. Roth's spiral bread = so good.

  3. I was a sweet Garth, I wish you could post a picture for everyone to see how stupid I looked!

    I remember you and Matthew being sisters, it was disturbing!

    Keep up the good work!

    PS- This word verification is a bunch of bull crap, "tactnes" IS NOT A WORD! Call it letter verification if you can't think of a word to put there!

    Now that I look at it. Tact and NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) could have some meaning...

  4. Click on my name if you want to see me as Garth for Halloween.

    "wileel" - Again, NOT A WORD!

  5. Em you need to loosen up a bit....however the word for me righ tnow is REIGHBA. Yeessh. Anyway, are you ever going to respond to my email????

  6. All the kids at Mary Beth's day care prefer Power Rangers toothbrushes to candy, thankyouverymuch. Granted, the average age there is 2...

  7. 2 things:
    - wish i would have seen casebeer brothers as sisters...can we get a picture of that on the blog?
    - em, i clicked on your name to see your picture...yet, the only thing that came up was a man in a speedo flexing his muscles...for some reason I don't think that was you as Garth....
