Hi friends, I apologize for the absence. A lot has happened since the crazy plane flight home from Atlanta! I wonder what those crazy love birds are up to? It’s almost like the world has changed since I have written…oh wait, it has! (See : President Obama). It’s almost like my life has completely changed since I have written…oh wait, it did! (Side note: I am currently on a plane from PDX to ATL…………one way.) Without further hesitation, here is the update, once again in bullet form fashion. (or BFF, for you abreviation buffs).
· Another Christmas without Ashley…hopefully the last one
· First Christmas without my brother (and new wife)…hopefully the last one!
· Survived the HH (hell holiday) aka Christmas once again…for further details on the Casebeer day, please watch the movie “Four Christmases”. My day is literally like that, minus the crazy family members. It can sometimes be brutal, but we seem to get thru it every year!
· Another New Year’s spent with Ashley…that would be 3 in a row.
· On that note, a VERY successful NYE party after last year’s complete bust. 2009 was rung in properly, with great friends, great food, and a kick A game of charades! Hint: If you want to see a hilarious word acted out, use “gynecologist” next time. Props to our good sport Matt Robinson on that one….my retinas will be forever scarred after seeing that.
· Movies that we saw: Valkyrie (8.1), Marley and Me (6.2), 7 Pounds (5.8), Yes Man (7.1)
· Best 3 day span of golf I have ever played – at Bandon Dunes, for the icing on the cake. 68, 72, 70. Believe it, folks. If Ashley thinks I had the golf bug bad before, well she’s in for it!!!
· Discovered “Flight of the Conchords”…made my holiday season. If you haven’t heard of it, hear of it. They are hilarious.
· Discovered the Zac Brown Band…well, didn’t discover, but found out that I really like them.
· Also found out that holidays are no fun without Ashley. Let’s put a stop to that!!
Enough of the updates. On to what is next. What is next, you might ask? Well, the Era (aura?) of Alpharetta is next. We’ll call it AA, to keep the abreviations going. I am heading there right now. Some call it Alphertater, some call it Alfretta, I am calling it home for the next few months. Ashley and I really don’t know what it is going to look like…hopefully she can find work so we can stay there until we head to YL camp in May. Hopefully I can find a place to live so I don’t have to bunk it with Nana…I’ll keep you posted.
But for now, I shall sit back and enjoy my exit row seat with zero other people in it. I already fell asleep across all 3 seats, but that resulted in a nasty pain in my side and my entire arm falling asleep when I woke up. Adios amigos! TTYL. (I’m done with those now.)
JOLLY GOOD entry!!!