
Boredom leads to productivity! Not!

So far today I have done the following: printed out fax cover sheets (actually, I had someone print them out for me), checked every bank account/credit card/phone account that I have to make sure no one is stealing from me, asked a lady if she had received a fax for me (wanted to sound important), filled out a fake dealer packet for my boss (she actually wanted this done), and am now starting to blog. I wonder what the next 6 hours will bring?

No update on Susan, sorry. She was yelling at someone this morning, so something's brewing!

Ok check this out. Tomorrow night, Atlanta Thrashers, GLASS SEATS. Two of those three statements probably don't make any sense to you. Thrashers = hockey team. Glass seats = front row on the ice. I am so pumepd. The last time I went to a hockey game was in Portland with Steve Copenhaver in the 3rd grade. We sat so high that - I kid you not - his nose started bleeding and we had to leave. So I am excited to actually be able to see something, see some fights, pound the glass after too many beers and try to pick a fight with a hockey player thru the glass. The other reason that I am pumped? Double date with Ashley's sister Jamie and her boyfriend! This is a first for us...they are home from Ole Miss for the weekend. Very exciting!

Tonight is more excitement - get to see the Atlanta Hawks play. My friend Jason (from my new small group) invited me to go with him to see the Heat paly the Hawks. I am excited to get to know him better and to go see some NBA! Always better in person than on TV.

Ok let's talk about something. Pick a topic................................thinking..................................private schools vs public schools. This topic was brought to you by: Ashley O'Dea, who is currently subbing in a private school. The topic is hers, the thoughts are mine, FYI. I am a public school boy, as most of you know. I would have never traded this experience for any other high school experience. But what about the private school experience? They, in my mind, are always regarded as better than public schools. They say things like 'smaller class sizes = more attention from the teachers'.....'better qualified teachers'.....'a system of rules or guidelines is a good thing'.....but let's analyze this. At SSHS, home of the Mighty Saxons, the classes weren't small, but they weren't big. I mean, honestly, how big can a high school class be?? It's not USC! And as for the attention issue....I can think of two or three of my teachers that gave me their home or cell phone numbers in case I needed anything...and even went to a Blazer game with my teacher-turned-friend John Turman! In fact we have a beer at every Civil War game. So I don't buy the attention deal, it just depends on the teacher. As for the "better qualified" thing...I don't buy it either. I know people around here who have been teaching for 1 year and got hired at a private school. It is a toss up of "qualifiations"...some are very experienced, some are barely out of a college classroom.

Verdict? Send your kids to public schools, save your money for their college education. Just my thoughts, though.

Ok I just made a phone call. See, I told you boredom leads to productivity.



  1. So.. I must say that I am pretty excited to have made and appearance your blog!

  2. Good information thank you closely monitor your success.
