Well friends, it has finally happened. They (my family, not including me) thought it would never happen. They deemed it unimaginable. They said, Yeah right, him?? They laughed. I'm sure you are dying to know what I am talking about: an office job*. It comes with an asterisk for a few reasons, and I'll get into that a bit later. But first let me introduce you to Synergy Acceptance Corp., my new home.
I started working here yesterday, as an extension with my current employer, which is what the * means. This is not a "new job", per say...just switching roles and workplace. I am helping Synergy out while I am living in Alpharetta, so it works great. They do loans, service and insurance contracts for a few auto dealerships in the greater Atlanta area. This is great for me for a few reasons - mainly learning another facet of the auto industry and expanding my already-limited knowledge. But another reason I perceived to be good was to work in an office atmosphere. Here's how it is going so far.
I showed up yesterday, met with my designated boss Natalie. I'll be primarily working with her in the marketing department. She showed me around, introduced me to 60 people who's names I will never remember, and got me a work space. The perks: computer, phone, office supplies. I felt cool. I'm not, but having never really worked in a office, these are cool things to me. While we were out meeting and greeting, some phantom person came and set everything up. New pens! My very own stapler! A fingertip moistener, which I used today! All bonuses.
So my workday is pretty typical...come in around 8:45 or so, check some emails, write some emails to the west coast that won't get read for another 3 hours, see what I can do to help (if nothing, log back in to my old work's database and do work for them) until I am given a project. Do the project. Try to check facebook only to realize it is a blocked website. Gchat with Ashley while reading materials for Synergy. Today's project is was reviewing and printing marketing materials and putting them in to a Dealer Packet that we will hand out to prospective clients. And reading Dealer Agreements. And blogging. Who knows what tomorrow's excitement will bring!
It is definitely interesting going from working from home on Friday (for the last year and a half) to working in an office 8:30 to 5:30. At least I get to get Dunkin Doughnuts coffee on the way to work! (the best coffee in the US). At least when I get off work I have something (someone) to look forward to seeing. At least I have someone to call during lunch other than a dealership. At least I have a job!
I will post some pictures later today or tonight of the new office...so check back! Until then, enjoy your workday, whether it is from home, at a high school, at an office, or none of the above.
Haha, dude, I'm loving the update on your new work experience. This Phyllis character seems amazing...see you and her can start up a party-planning committee if one doesn't already exist (which it probably does). This other episode you described seemed like an Angela-type character telling off a Dwight, hah...