
Secrets secrets Secreast?

I secretly want to be a professional photographer. I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to wake up every morning and say, "Well, I need to go outside and work." "Well, I need to go look at those moutains". "Well, I need to go spend some quality time in nature". I guess golfers do that too........

Here are some great photographers: Jeremy Cowart (www.jeremycowart.com/), Josh Cordell (http://www.joshcordell.com/), Bob Sutton (http://www.bobsuttonphotography.com/).

I secretly want to be a professional golfer. Honestly, who wouldn't want to play a great game in the sun (most days) every day? I guess the stress can mount as the stakes get higher, but when you are clutch it really doesn't matter.

I secretly want to be a professional blogger. This actually is not a secret. If you know anyone who wants a blogger on their staff, please have them email me. Alexcasebeer@gmail.com. I'm serious.

I secretly drank too much water/coffee this morning and have to pee every 28 minutes. Seriously it is so annoying. And sort of embarssing. What's more embarssing is the coffee that I spilled on my pants this morning in the car. So not only do I have to pee all the time but it looks like I pee all the time on myself!

I secretly want to be really fit and in shape and have some rockin' abs. This is vain and pathetic. I worked out this morning. I almost pooped my pants and almost threw up. Did I work out too hard? Or am I just a really big wuss? Time will tell.

I secretly want to be a professional motivational speaker. I look up to people who can speak well. Sco, Herb, Barack, Ty Saltzgiver, Andy Stanley, Miles McPherson, Scott Casebeer. If only we could all just do that for a living.

I secretly want to be a writer. Although I'm not sure that I would handle the solidarity well...or the writer's block...or the sometimes long, lonely days...or the rejection or writing a crap book...so maybe I don't want to be a writer. Back to blogging!

I secretly want to know if God has this huge master plan for us already planned out...or He is making it up as we go along. I'm not so secretly perfectly ok with either option. He's in control, I'm not. I'm just an idiot trying to do what He wants.

I secretly want to be on Young Life staff. This has been available to me at times, but for some reason I did not feel the pull from God to do this as a full time job. I wonder why?

I secretly hate Facebook. You know you do too.

I secretly love realty TV. Ok, this is not a secret at all. Just an admission. You know show made me laugh this reality season? True Beauty. Man, it was horrible. But boy was it funny!

I think I have revealed most of my secrets. You got any good ones? I have few more, but can't reveal them just yet...

Ok, one more. I secretly think vulnerability is a very good thing and more people should be more vulnerable.

Secreast (Casebeer) out!


  1. I secretly agree with all of the following except I HATE reality tv and believe it makes you dumber.

  2. Haha, I can't argue with that Chris!!

  3. I secretly wish you would read my book....and if you think it is crap to go ahead and tell me so I can be the writer who faces his rejection and moves on! read it...and tell me. haha.
