Fellow blogees! Not sure if that is a word...anyway...here is the prayer email I sent out to about 100 people. You may find it interesting - you may find it boring. You may not even care! But most of it pertains to what is going on at camp, our familes, etc. But as I'm gone (until June 21), I'll probably post what's happening at camp on the blog. So enjoy!
Wow, what a week it has been so far! I will do my best to not only update you on some highlights from the week, but also ask for specific prayer requests. So off we go!
- There are 383 campers and leaders here this week - all from New Mexico or Arizona. It is an interesting mix of kids. There are some tough kids who put on a huge front, and some kids who are just going through some brutal stuff at home. I feel like we have communicated well as an assigned team with a lot of campers, so that is great.
- Eric has been giving great club talks, and been laying a very clear picture of who Christ is. Last night was the "15 minutes of quiet", and I feel like it was extremely powerful. It feels like the Holy Spirit is really moving here at Lost Canyon!
- No major injuries - praise the Lord and cross keep crossing your fingers!
- Our assigned team has really been coming together this week. Week 1's are always tough - fine tuning the schedule, adjusting to living together, the program walk-ons, the Opera, every little detail! But our meetings have been VERY productive and we can't wait to keep improving ourselves so we can better relay Christ to these campers. Please pray for the little details of running a camp!
Random highlights from this week:
- Blob contest was amazing - the winning blob consisted of a 1 1/2 back flips, landing perfectly!
- Listening to Malcolm Hess say "Horton Hears a Who"- he is a 2 year old kid from one of our families
- Catching 2 boys cabins streaking through the night to the girls cabins...always fun!
- Chasing a skunk off the property
- Chasing down a cabin who broke into the kitchen on night 6...trying to steal liters of Pepsi, bananas, etc. A very fun chase!
- John Byard wearing a caveman outfit multiple times throughout the week. Absolutely hilarious.
- Mattress races at club - always a great game
- Neal Eckerlin attempting to open a coke bottle for 4 minutes during a skit on entertainment night...the end result being a girl opening it for him. Sorry Neal!
- Chicken nuggets almost every night at the AT house. SO good!
- A work crew girl walked in on me going to the bathroom...yes, she saw everything. Ouch.
Here are some prayers requests around the property, and specifically with our AT:
** 2 families are arriving today and tomorrow - the Byards and the Scofields. Pray for safe travel and a smooth transition into "camp life".
** Continue to pray for Eric - that he portrays a very clear picture of who God is, who Jesus is, how He can change campers lives!
** Please pray for sustained energy. Week 1 is always tough - we all want to GO GO GO! But there are some really tired bodies here - and we need some spiritual food and energy!
** One camper (Kyle) has been sober for 5 days - since Day 1 of this week. This is the longest he has been sober in 2 years. He accepted Christ last night during cabin time. Please pray for Kyle as he goes back to a horrible situation in his hometown, and that he can start fighting the good fight!
If you have any thoughts or questions or anything fellow blogs, let me know! Enjoy you week! We get new kids today...around 270 or so. Should be another great week at YL camp!