Good morning once again Blogees!!! A lot has gone on since I've last updated you, so here we go! I'll start off with some random highlights. . .
- We had a "drama free week" at camp - no drugs, no kids sneaking off property, not too much "policing" going on! It was very nice. . .
- Dakota, one of our Capernaum friends, was the big winner of the coveted Mattress Race at club. We load a kid on to a mattress and send them all the way up the club room, "crowd surfing" style. It was an amazing sight - the entire camp gave him a standing ovation for winning!
- Our late night chicken nugget/Scofield guacamole sessions continue - a great night cap!
- Watching the Capernaum kids go through the Ropes Course and the Playground was heart warming. Their excitement and enthusiasm and timidness is so refreshing. Brings people to tears of joy!
- Last week - 260 campers/leaders. This week? 415. The energy so far is INCREDIBLE. These kids are fired up about being here! They just about tore down the club room on Night One. It is so fun watching 415 people sing great songs (No One, 500 Miles, Brown Eyed Girl, etc.)
- We have 2 property staff friends as leaders this week - John Offner and Jeff Walker. It is so fun to see them out of their "work place" (Lost Canyon) and entering in to their kids lives as leaders and friends! (John's wife Miriam is also leading this week too!)
- The Kingdom was impacted again - over 70 kids met the Lord this week!! There were over 100 kids on the "Believer Walk" on Day 7. So powerful and encouraging!!
And now for the coveted prayer requests!
** Sickness is taking over this house - it is no fun. Eric is now sick with a 101 temp, Marni is down, Karen is in bed all day, Jordan and Martin have been feeling awful for days...I could go on and on. But please please please pray for the sickness to leave this house NOW. We have kids who are sick also - please pray for Harrison and Ben Byard, as they are battling something too.
** A few work crew kids have left camp this week - some to sickness, some to 'family issues'. Please pray for the work crew, that they are function with a few people missing, and that no one else gets sick or has to take any time off.
** Please pray for energy as a whole. This week is large, and we need to have 100% energy the entire week just to keep up with them!
** Please pray for the following areas of kids here : Chandler, AZ, Lakewood, TX, Williams, AZ, and the Colorado crew: Bello Valley, Metro Urban Denver, Central Denver, Parker, West Douglas County, and Montrose. Pray that the Lord would meet each and every camper exactly where they are at and that He would move in a HUGE way.
OK that is all for now! The kids are currently in "Cabin Unity Games" - always a sight to see. There is on cabin who painted their entire bodies GREEN. I bet you can guess what their name is!
Until next time, may the Lord bless all of you too! We love you and are so thankful for your prayers.
i've been meaning to ask...who is taking these pictures? they are sweet!!! love you mang.
A guy named Scott Milam came up to camp for a few days, and just hung around and took pictures. He is amazing. I'll try to email you a link to the rest of the pictures...
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