
If you knew me, you would know. . .

This is a hilarious game that Ashley likes to play occasionally with her friends. It is called "It you knew me, you would know..." It is a way of revealing some funny things that make you YOU. Maybe they are secrets, maybe they are idiosyncrasies, maybe it is just a random fact. But none-the-less, it is revealing something! So off we go. If you knew ME, you would know. . .

- that I never order the "special" at a restaurant. I view it as losing. I'm not sure why. I feel like I lose if I order the special. Like I feel like gave in to something. Never order the special!

- that I can't brush my teeth in the morning without either eating or drinking something. You know, lots of people wake up and the FIRST thing they do is brush their teeth. Not me. It disgusts me. I have to drink Cranapple juice, or coffee, or eat Honey Nut Cheerios. Anything before I brush those pearly whites.

- that I rarely ever finish a full cup or "grande" of coffee. For some reason, I just can't do it. I LOVE coffee. I order it all the time. But I can never finish a whole cup! Ask Ashley about this. She will disclose full details.

- that I have to hug a pillow every night while sleeping. At least, I have to fall asleep this way. Sometimes I end up upside down, or on the floor, or one time I ended up in the shower (ask for details, please). But if you knew me, you would know that to fall asleep, I have to be clutching a pillow!

- that when I am golfing, I always have 2 quarters in my pocket. For you non-golfers out there, you always need a "ball marker" in your pocket. For me, it has always been quarters. For as long as I can remember, I always have had 2 in my pocket. Ask me why and you will get no response. I have no clue. It just happens.

- that I never use hair "product" in my hair. I use hand lotion. Yes, the secret to this amazing hair (hardly) is hand lotion. I hate the feeling of waking up the following morning with "sticky" hair. Hand lotion prevents this.

- that I secretly hate Tiger Woods. Yes, I may be a golfer. And most golfers like this guy. Not me. I like the underdog. I like the guys who play golf to make ends meet, because they feel like this is the only thing that they can do to be successful. I don't really like Tiger. Do I respect him? You know it. The guy is unreal! Do I like him? Not really.

Ok friends. I have revealed. Now it is YOUR turn! If I really know YOU, I would know. . . . . . .

I will be taking suggestions for my next blog. Please be responsive. It's more fun that way! Have a great Sunday!


  1. seems i've been away from the blog for a bit with Spain and you at LC. glad to see it back. enjoying the reading. looking forward to seeing you soon! love you!

  2. I'd like to see a blog about the insanity of a WC boss playing in the band @ club with a little commentary of the Banana Song. "Has anyone seen Alex? Club starts in 3 minutes..."

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