
Life carries on. . .

Hello friends! I've given up on the honeymoon updates. You all know how it went anyway. It was amazing, the food was incredible, we relaxed and pampered ourselves beyond belief. I mean, really. How much better can a vacation get? We loved it and will never forget that week of our life.

Since being back, life is fun! We are enjoying Portland (although the weather SUCKS!) and enjoying life together. I love cooking, exploring the Hills of NW Portland (and Forrest Park!), making new friends and just figuring it all out together. That's really the best part.

We have had some great adventures so far! One of our top highlights was doing our first "Portland Hill Walk". It is from the book - creatively named - "Portland Hill Walks". It was more like "History of NW Portland while hiking 5 miles". We loved it! It took us from NW 25th and Raleigh all the way to Pittock Mansion, one of the highest elevations in all of Portland. We gained about 950 feet in elevation and learned so many cool things about the hills of Portland. Needless to say, we can't wait for our next walk!

Another great highlight was our recent trip to the beach with our friends Molly and Will. This was a great break from reality! A little wine tasting, a huge sand dune in Pacific City, and a great bonfire on the beach. It was so much fun getting to know them better and just getting away for a bit.

Other adventures include Ashley's amazing cooking, my amazing softball skills with the Capitol Auto Group team, and our double incredible apartment. But of course the best adventure to date was our surprise trip for Mother's Day to Alpharetta. We were missing the fam and needed to see them. So we surprised them all!! We literally just showed up in the house on a Thursdsy afternoon and everyone freaked. Needless to say, it was an amazing weekend and we can't wait to go back!

In the coming weeks there are more adventures for sure, but until next time, enjoy your city!

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