Greeting friends! So much time has passed since I've last updated you on our crazy lives. Let's see. Since then (December), we had a great New Years, took a trip to Hawaii, got pregnant, went on a business trip to Vegas, and....
"Wait a minute. Back that train up. You got PREGNANT????"
Yes we did folks! Ashley and I are officially turning our family of 2.25 (Ruby) into a family of 3.25! 15 weeks along and doing very well, Ashley and I are extremely excited. The baby is healthy so far, Ashley has not experienced many sick days at all, and I have not freaked out more than 7.6 times. In fact quite the opposite. I am so excited to have a little buddy (guy or girl, who cares?) to run around with I can hardly stand it!
So what has this pregnancy entailed so far? Well, we had to cleverly hide this from many people. Ashley had to fake drink wine/champagne at New Year's, I've had to go buy Oreo Cookies more than once, and the jeans with the strechy front arrived. Pregnancy jeans? Preans? Jegnancys? Anyway, she'll still be lookin hot with those bad boys.
Other than that we are still waiting to see little Jerome (kidding) in the form of a baby bump. Nothing yet! I mean come on already I want to see something! Ashley still looks like the hot mama (pun intended) that I married!
Now what is next? Well, some doctors appointments, an ultrasound to find out the sex of baby Jerome in about 6 weeks, some reading, and lots of preparing to be parents. We are so excited and welcome any help and/or advice you have to offer!
Until next time, buckle up for the ride. It's going to be great!
Congrats! Guess what? We're pregnant too!! :)