
Signs (not that stupid game)

First of all, I don't like that game. If I have offended you, I'm sorry. Some of you may not have heard of "Signs". Don't investigate. It's not worth it!! Anyway, I digress.

Signs that I am getting old:
- One seemingly meaningless game of football renders me unable to move the following day.
- I like shows such as Jeopardy, The Biggest Loser, Primetime, the news, and Frasier.
- I think I like wine more than beer
- The first thing I do in the morning is get a glass of cranapple juice and read the news.
- My friends are getting married, and some are pregnant!
- Care about such things as taxes, mortgages, and the stock market
- Really like James Taylor
- Running hurts...but I do it anyway
- I enjoy reading every night before I go to sleep. Now THAT is old.

Signs that I am getting young(er):
- Still enjoy pranks
- I blog
- Still love mac n cheese
- Still really love Taco Bell (sorry Ashley...)
- Pick up basketball games are still a priority (when in Bend)
- Text more than I call (except for when I'm working)
- LOVE Catchphrase

Signs that Oregon will win the Holiday Bowl:
- 65-38 trashing of the Beavs...good momentum!
- Offensive coordinator has something to prove...head coach desinate and all...
- Lost to Oklahoma in 2005, need to beat their rival this year
- Make a statement that the Pac-10 is legit

Signs that Christmas is coming:
- Hallmark started Christmas themes before Halloween (hate that)
- Starting to get Christmas cards/letters/updates from families
- great movies on TV, great music on the radio

Signs that 2009 will be a great year:
- Change is in the air
- Maybe some people's resolutions will actually be kept!
- My brother may be living in Oregon at some point...date TBD
- A new president could be a great thing...also TBD...but I think we are all hoping that it will!
- There is going to be a movie based on my favorite book series...VINCE FLYNN
- Could 2009 be much worse than 2008 in terms of politics, economy, and industries??
- I like the number 9 much better than 8...except on the golf course.

Signs that Mustaches will again be cool:
- Brad Pitt had one this year
- George Clooney had one this year
- Matthew Casebeer currently has one
- Willie Dinsdale had one in Africa
- I can't grow one

Signs that black will be the next brown:
- I have no idea, I just think brown will be cooler than black in 2009. That's my only sign.

Signs that this blog is over:
- You're bored
- I'm bored
- You discovered you have better things to do
- I discovered the exact same thing...

Until next time, Ryan Seacrest OUT

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