The other night we were fortunate to go see the Sara Bareillis show at the Schnitz in Portland. Ultimately, the only reason we went in the first place was to reunite with my friend who is her bass player (he and I played in the same jazz band in college for 3 years. Too bad he got famous and I still suck at drums!) Well I sure am glad we went, because it was amazing. That. Girl. Can. Sing. Who knew that big of a voice could come out of such a small person? And that she could play the piano as well as she does? Needless to say, we were all truly impressed and extremely entertained! As a bonus, it was great to see old friends on stage (I knew the guitar player for the opener, Josh Radin, too!) and to party with the rockstars!
In other news, I have had 2 haircuts in the last week. Why, you may ask? Well I was tired of getting butchered at Bishops, so I called an Aveda Salon. What I didn't realize was that it was an Aveda SCHOOL and that I was going to get my haircut by a student of just 6 months. You can probably tell how that turned out! 1.5 hours later, she hadn't cut any hair off my head and then announced that she was done, and how did I like it? Blankly I stared at her, thinking thoughts that I could not say out loud, and said "It looks great!".
2 Days later I had a rescue haircut at Rudy's in the Pearl...and now I look like a superstar. Lesson learned!
One last update...we got to babysit RHODES! And man did we have fun. Our time was filled with soccer, lunch, a nice walk in the rain and lots of videos and laughing! More to come hopefully...
I do realize I am due to write about our month with Jamie...and I will. But until next time, pick up a copy of Sara's album and enjoy!
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